Coil Slitting & Steel Slitting LineBangzhou Machinery has many years of experience in the development and manufacture of steel slitting lines.This article introduces coil slitting and steel slitting line process.
ZJX-8X850 Stainless Steel Slitting Line MachineBangzhou Machinery is a slitting line machine manufacturer.We supply stainless steel slitting line machine.To learn more about slitting line,send us the inquiry.
ZJX-2X650 Hydraulic Slitting Line MachineBangzhou Machinery is a slitting line manufacturer.We supply hydraulic slitting line machine.To learn more about slitting line,send us the inquiry.
What Does a Slitter Machine DoThe main role of a slitting machine is to convert papers, film and foil materials so that large rolls of these materials can be cut into narrower rolls.BANGZHOU MACHINERY are proud to supply a variety of different leading slitting and rewinding services.
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