Attention about slitting machine test
Before officially using the slitting machine, we must first test and run the slitting machine. So when testing the slitting machine, what problems should we pay attention to? If you are interested, please continue reading the following article.
1. The operator of the slitting machine test machine is familiar with the operation process, and operates in strict accordance with the operation process, and has the qualification certificate. This also includes that the operator should not have long hair, operate the machine with gloves, and tighten the cuffs of the clothes (except for loading and unloading knives). All to ensure the safety of the operator when operating the slitting machine.
2. After the connection line of the entire production line of the slitting machine is correct, the slitting machine is powered on. Do not open the electric control door at will after power-on, and do not touch the electrical files with your hands to prevent electric shock and injury, and the operator must pay attention when operating the metal slitting machine.
3. The slitting machine is not allowed to hit the control box door and slitting machine blades at will, and it is not allowed to touch the transmission part with the body, hands or head. When visually inspecting the operation, do not place the head too close to the material and the roller. Do not lean your body against any part of the machine, and do not touch the roller with your hands during the operation of the slitting machine.
4. When feeding the feeding trolley of the slitting machine, pay attention to the force coordination and the fixed position of the feeding to prevent the raw material from falling off and hurting the feet. At the same time, make sure that the position of the material on the uncoiler is accurate.
5. When unloading, pay attention to brake the unloading arm pulley to prevent the unloading arm and the winding shaft from falling off the material and hurting the feet.
Bangzhou Machinery is the professional slitting machine manufacturer. Our company has tremendous strength on technical and professional production capability. Supply the high quality machines and professional services timely with competitive price is our company’s mission. Welcome to your inquiry, we will do our best to build the machine you want.
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