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Coil Slitting & Steel Slitting Line

Source:Trueland     Time:2022-11-01 Hits:

What is Coil Slitting?

Coil, a finished steel product that has been wound or coiled after rolling, such as a sheet or strip.

Through the shearing process known as coil slitting, a primary or main coil's breadth is divided into several smaller coils. It is commonly referred to as stripping. With a width of less than 500mm for cold-rolled products and less than 600mm for hot-rolled products, steel strip is a flat coil product. Wide strip products are wider flat goods.

There are several industrial uses for strip steel. Typically, strip steel is used for plumbing, appliances (including refrigerators, washers, and dryers), construction materials, electrical components, and body panels and automotive parts.

What is Steel Slitting Line?

A coil of material, such as aluminum or steel, is stitched to a specific length and width for the final use in the slitting line, a metal manufacturing process. The steel coil is passed through extremely sharp round blades that cut the material as it moves through the machine. A significant compressive force must be exerted in order to slice; when the pressure surpasses the material's tensile strength, the material is cut. A lengthy strip of material cut to the buyer's specifications serves as the finished product.

Uncoiler, slitting machine, and winding machine are the three basic components of a steel slitting machine. Each component needs to be perfectly aligned during setup in order to guarantee that the process quality is optimum.

Steel is an iron alloy that has carbon added to it to increase strength and durability. This alloy is ideally suited for a range of end applications, including (but not limited to) automotive, infrastructure, and appliance/HVAC, when these qualities are combined with its inexpensive price.

Steel Slitting Line Process

Unprocessed steel reels go through the slitting procedure, which is followed by rewinding to turn the original big reels into three precise slitting reels. The coil is fed to the uncoiler spindle by the operator of the slitting line. The main reel is unrolled by the uncoiler and fed into the slitting head where it is sliced into thin strips using a rotary knife. The operator then examines each individual piece to make sure the gauge width and edge conditions adhere to the necessary standards. In order to guarantee that the bending crack material won 't be stressed or backwashed, the slitting coil is next passed through an annular pit. The different hybrids are then mixed and packaged according to the demands of the consumer.

Leading Manufacturer of Slitting Line Machine

Bangzhou Machinery has many years of experience in the development and manufacture of steel slitting lines. Bangzhou Machinery Slitting Line is designed and manufactured with the highest precision, efficiency and performance for metal service centers, steel mills, automotive industry and many other metal and non-ferrous materials processing all over the world. With many years of experience in sheet metal processing, we have developed a wide range of special application slitting line machines with state-of-the-art technological solutions.

If you have any questions about our steel slitting lines, welcome to email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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